- 1.0.5:
- Option to open the common files in the browser.
- More file types added in order to be downloaded.
- 1.0.4:
- Elements using the 'src' attribute are also included.
- 1.0.3:
- File names with empty spaces are supported.
- 1.0.2:
- More security. The files to be downloaded are copied to the 'tmp' folder of Joomla with a unique name in order to be downloaded from there and then deleted automatically.
- 1.0.1:
- Fix of deprecated method.
- 1.0.0:
- First release of the Download Link Protection extension.
- 2.0.0:
- Compatible with Joomla 4 and Joomla 3.10.x.
- New PHP DOM parser.
- Fix on full URLs and absolute paths.
- The new "Font Awesome 5" font family is used for the lock icon in Joomla 4.
- 2.0.1:
- Compatible with Joomla 5.
- The new "Font Awesome 6" font family is used for the lock icon in Joomla 5.