How It works In Detail


Each time a customer makes an order, he/she collects a number of points. These points are calculated from the rounded total cost of the products (delivery and payment costs are not included) multiplied to an integer (e.g. 5) that the administrator defines. For example, if the total cost of the products in an order is 30.25€, the cost is rounded to 30€ and if multiplied by 5, the customer collects 150 points. The collected points of the customer increase in each order,  when the order is defined by the administrator as completed or delivered. The points from orders that are cancelled, returned etc do not count.

When the customer reaches a specific number of points which is defined by the administrator, then he/she receives a reward. The reward is a coupon which is automatically created by the extension and the code of the coupon is being sent to the customer by email. For example, let's suppose there is a customer who has collected 950 points and on his/her last order collects 100 more points. After his/her order is defined as completed or delivered by the administrator, the customer's collected points increase to 1050. If the administrator has defined the customers to be rewarded every 1000 points then the specific customer will receive a coupon after his last order is defined as completed and his/her collected points will be reduced to 50 points. The customer is able to continue to make new orders and collect more points in order to get closer to the next reward.

The customer is notified about the points that a product offers when he/she visits the page with the product details. Also, the customer is notified about the points that an order will offer at the last step (confirmation) of the checkout. Finally, the customer can see (through a module that the administrator places in the account page of the user) the current collected points that are not rewarded yet, the target points for the reward and the collected points in total.

CAUTION: Only the customers that are registered and make an order after they have logged in can collect points.


The extension consists from one plugin and one module.

The administrator has to use the plugin in order to add the main functionality for the reward points and the module in order to display to the customer the information about the collected points.

Through the plugin the administrator is able to define:

  • The total points that the customer has to reach in order to be rewarded.
  • The integer that the total cost of the products in the order will be multiplied in order to give the points for the specific order.
  • A special amount of points that will be given additionally to the customer on his/her first order.
  • The order status that the orders have to be set in order of the points to apply.
  • The reward (coupon) features that the customer will receive: discount value, discount type (percent or fixed price), reward duration.

The administrator has to put the module in the pages with the personal information of the customer in order he/she to be able to see how many points remain till the next reward.

The administrator has two ways to see information about the reward points through the eshop administration:

  • In the orders list, at the last column, he may see the points for each order.
  • In the customers list, at the last column, he may see the points that the customer has collected so far but has not rewarded yet and also the points that the customer has collected from his/her first order.

Eshop Compatibility

  1. The extension for the reward points does not alter the files of the eshop except in one case. This is done automatically when installed. This change does not affect the operation of the eshop even if the extension is uninstalled.
  2. The eshop can be updated without problem. Every time the eshop is updated the administrator has to go to the plugin and simply save it without any other change. This makes sure that the code alteration mentioned above is done.

Have in mind that...

  1. Each time the Eshop extension is updated, you have to simply go to the plugin administration and click save.
  2. Only the registered customers can be rewarded with points. For the customers that select to complete the order as guests, it is not possible to keep track of their rewarded points history, so they will not benefit the reward points.
  3. Only the orders that are set in the same order state as in the field 'Order Status ID' will be rewarded with points. Till an order to be set in that specific order state, the reward points are calculated but not added to the total points of the customer.
  4. When the customer reward (discount coupon) is created and sent by email, the points that correspond to the reward are removed.


  1. Download the plugin "Reward Points for Eshop".
  2. In the Joomla control panel select: "Extensions" > "Manage" > "Install".
  3. In the "Upload Package File" tab click "Browse for file" and locate the file "reward-points-for-eshop-plugin-1.0.1".


Customer Points

Customer Points in Eshop

Order Points

Order Points in Eshop

Plugin Administration

Plugin Administration

Module Administration

Module Administration

Automatic Update

In order to be able to easily update the extension through the update system of Joomla, you need:

  • Your membership ID. This can be found in the email you received with the subscription information of this extension or in your profile in this website.
  • An active subscription of this extension. You can see your subscriptions in your profile as well.

Having the above fulfilled, do the following:

  1. Select "Extensions > Plugins".
  2. Locate in the list the line with the name "Installer - Reward Points for Eshop" where the column 'Type' is equal to 'Installer' and click to it.
  3. Fill in your membership id in the parameters, enable the plugin and save.

Now you will be able to update the extension through the Joomla update system. But if you want, you can do it manually by downloading the latest version from this website.

Uninstall from Joomla

  1. Select "Extensions > Manage > Manage".
  2. Locate in the list the line with the name "Reward Points for Eshop" where the column 'Type' is equal to 'Package'.
  3. Check the line and click "Uninstall". This will uninstall completely the extension.